14 hectares
Biodiversity values
- Natural temperate grassland
- Spiny rice-flower
- Golden sun moth
- Striped legless lizard
- Not yet permanently protected.
The growling grass frog, golden sun moth and striped legless lizard are just some of the threatened species being protected in our network of conservation areas around Melbourne.
As Melbourne's new suburbs are planned, we work with the development industry to make sure areas of ecological value are protected. We have set up strict planning controls to protect and secure conservation land - many of these areas are right next to some of our newest suburbs. There are three main kinds of conservation areas, including:
These new green spaces will also provide local residents and Victorians with more opportunities to connect with nature.
The 36 conservation areas are identified in the Biodiversity Conservation Strategy. These conservation areas are set aside to protect and manage threatened species and ecosystems.
When development begins, the conservation areas must be managed and protected by the landowner.
When development finishes, the conservation area is secured and protected by:
14 hectares
45 hectares
235 hectares
46 hectares
35 hectares
111 hectares
32 hectares
113 hectares
43 hectares
15 hectares
22 hectares
1.5 hectares
59 hectares
372 hectares
540 hectares
Some sections permanently protected.
18 hectares
14.5 hectares
253 hectares (two different sites)
2 hectares
43 hectares
667 hectares
207 hectares
104 hectares
25 hectares
1.4 hectares
112 hectares
This conservation area includes ‘Banda Bail Reserve’, managed by Hume City Council (Committee of Management) and Wurundjeri Woi-Wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation are contracted to do land management.
26 hectares
49 hectares
38 hectares
215 hectares
30 hectares
155 hectares
468 hectares
1010 hectares
2 hectares
Existing public land.
330 hectares
Page last updated: 15/02/24