On this page:
Conservation in action
We are acting now to protect threatened species and ecosystems and secure their future. We're doing this by establishing more than 20,000 hectares of reserves and protected areas around Melbourne. We also run much-needed management programs for some of our most vulnerable species, like the southern brown bandicoot and growling grass frog.

Our key conservation outcomes:
- establishing the 15,000 hectare Western Grassland Reserve
- creating 1,200 hectare grassy eucalypt woodland protected area
- securing 36 new conservation areas across more than 5,000 hectares in Melbourne’s newest suburbs.
- securing more than 140km of growling grass frog habitat and creating more than 80 wetlands
- protecting and looking after the southern brown bandicoot
- protecting and managing habitat for the golden sun moth, matted flax-lily and spiny rice-flower.
We regularly monitor our programs and reserves using the latest scientific research and techniques.
We also work with our partners, including Traditional Owners, government agencies, local councils and other organisations to achieve our conservation goals.
Where are the conservations areas and reserves?

How is the program funded?
Our program is funded by MSA levy. This means developers are legally required to pay levies to offset the impact of development on the environment. We use these funds are used to establish conservation areas and deliver conservation outcomes - so the program proceeds at the same rate as development, which is expected to finish around 2060.
Key documents
For a copy of Delivering Melbourne's Newest Sustainable Communities Strategic Impact Assessment Report, October 2009, please email conservation.msa@deeca.vic.gov.au.
Page last updated: 12/09/24